Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tuesday, July 16

After our usual breakfast in the dining hall, we met in the classroom at 9:00 to work on some code breaking.  While we had previously learned about the history of the subject, it was our first real time actually deciphering messages.  All of the letters in the alphabet were switched around, and then used in writing.  It took some time, but eventually we were able to translated thirteen lines of text into something legible and interesting.

            At the conclusion of our class time, we headed over to Bodleian Library to observe an exhibit on “Magic Books.”  Dozens of famous fantasy books were on display, and there were history exhibits on both old and new stories.  Among the books shown were The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, the Chronicles of Narnia, the stories of King Arthur, Harry Potter, and many more.  The display was incredibly interesting, especially considering we had visited the entrances to both Wonderland and Narnia.

         So this afternoon the group split off into their scavenger hunt groups to search the museums for interesting artifacts and treasures. Tommy, Peter and I walked over to the Pitt Rivers Exhibit. It was an archaeological museum, and we saw many old artifacts throughout the three story exhibit. We saw old clothes from Eskimos and Native Americans. We saw sporting equipment from long ago. We also saw weapons from the days of a rock club to the era of firearms. I came across a particularly interesting exhibit of the samurais and their weapons and armor. The Pitt Rivers museum had lots to offer us and I think that each one of us came out of that museum with the knowledge and interest of new things. In the afternoon, we set out with our driver, Paul, and his friend to a soccer game. We went to the County Ground to watch a pre-season game between Tottenham and Swindon. It was a close game the whole way. Swindon was down most of the game, but came back in the second half with a deflected goal to earn a 1-1 tie. It's hard to believe that this trip is almost over. Time goes by so fast when we are having fun, I guess. 

Submitted by Tommy Legg & Henry Earp

Morning class working on code breaking.

Taking a break at Ben's Cookies in the Covered Market.

 Preseason "Friendly" between Swindon Town and Tottenham Hotspurs.

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