Sunday, June 30, 2013

We arrived safely this morning and were met at the airport by Paul, our driver. We were at Brasenose by 11am and settled into our rooms before lunch in the renovated Medieval Kitchen. In the afternoon we walked around the city center to get our bearings and then walked a little ways into North Oxford, through the University Parks and saw some punts in action on the river. Unfortunately there was no cricket being played in the Parks this afternoon.
The weather is wonderful and we are looking forward to a day in Oxford on Monday, and then a trip to the Royal Society and to museums in London on Tuesday.
 Arriving in Oxford.

 Old Quad at Brasenose.
 Medieval Kitchen for seated lunch.

The class outside All Souls' College.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Woodberry Forest School is an organization which contracts Brasenose College for the use of facilities, but which has no formal connection with The University of Oxford.